RCD Nexus

RCD Workforce Data

Research Computing and Data Workforce Survey 2021

The CaRCC Research Computing and Data (RCD) Professionalization working group conducted a survey of RCD professionals in summer 2021.  The visualizations below present the results of that survey.

The results are published in: Christina Maimone, Scott Yockel, Timothy Middelkoop, Ashley Stauffer, and Chris Reidy. 2022. Characterizing the US Research Computing and Data (RCD) Workforce. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’22), July 10–14, 2022, Boston, MA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3491418.3530289

Data is available at DOI

The survey received 563 valid, unique responses that were included in the analysis; 539 respondents are currently employed in a position with RCD responsibilities.  452 respondents work for an academic institution.  For context, the professionalization working group estimates there are at least 5,000 RCD professionals working at academic institutions.

Data visualizations are licensed CC BY-NC-SA (attribution is already part of the image files), or download the data and create your own.

Additional data from the survey, including data on compensation, is still being analyzed.



Work Experience

Current Position

Bar plot of distribution of RCD professionals' employer types

Experience with RCD Field and Position

Contact Christina Maimone with questions.